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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Mike Scott, re: Guest Lists Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein email to Rana Sampson Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein and Nick Ross emails on origins of POP Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Problem Analyst Development Program Proposal (Michael Scott, Clarke, Newman)- feedback from Herman Goldstein Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails Herman Goldstein and Mike Scott, ECCA book chapter Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein email to Mike Scott, re Bratton Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Mike Scott, re: Ownership pyramid Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein- reply to Nick Ross, subject: Priorities for Police Reform Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails- Herman Goldstein, Mike Scott, Emmett Quill, re: Immigration problems in Phoenix Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein correspondence re: Weisburd paper Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Frank Zimring Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Michael S. Scott, re: Skogan piece and Sir Josiah Stamp quote Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein- emails with Rana Sampson on her withdrawal from POP Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Work and correspondence re: Research Agenda for National Institute of Justice Workshop Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein email to Mike Scott, suggestions for 2012 Wis. POP conference Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Madison Police Department Focused Deterrence Overview- emails Herman Goldstein, Michael Scott, Woodmansee Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Meeting Notes- Focused Deterrence: Impaired Driver Model Research Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein, David Schultz, Ted Crabb Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Jack Ladinsky (2014) Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein emails and article- Re: How to Fix a Broken Police Department (re Cincinnati Police) Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein emails to/from Ted Crabb, Barbara Crabb, Jim Dexheimer, 2015 Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein emails with Barbara and Ted Crabb, report on body cams for Madison Police Department Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein- notes on deadly force, plus four other pieces w/email to Jim Dexheimer Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Emails between Herman Goldstein and Mike Scott, re: Stairwell Shooting Case Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Herman Goldstein- email to David Couper plus three pages of writing on police change Correspondence