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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Alignment of U.S. Child Marriage Laws to Data and Consent: Time for a Bright-Line Rule at the Age of Majority Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Women in Policing: Inadequate Remedies to Combat Hiring and Workplace Discrimination in Police Departments Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Bougie Firms and Black-Box Salaries: Avoiding Another Sixty Years of Gender-Based Pay Discrimination Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Recalculating ESSA to Account for “Every Student:” The Need to Eliminate “Subtractive Schooling” Among Latino Boys and Fund Culturally Responsive Teaching Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Politics of Legal Challenges to Pornography: A Comparative Analysis Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
How the United States Uses Foreign Policy to Control and Adversely Impact Foreign Women Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
“Free the Nipple” One Broadcast at a Time: FCC Indecency Regulations of Nudity Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Sexual Harassment and Wisconsin’s Professional Rules of Responsibility Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Table of Contents - Volume 35, Issue 1 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Statement of Purpose Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Table of Contents - Volume 35, Issue 2 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
LGBTQ+ Employment Protections: The U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia and the Implications for Public Schools Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Stripped from Sunscreen, but Fine for Foundation: How the Regulatory Dichotomy of Topically Applied Skin Products Endangers Women Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Cocaine Mom Law: How Wisconsin’s Civil Commitment of Pregnant Women Violates the Fourteenth Amendment Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
When Loopholes Allow Rape: An Analysis of States Whose Statutes and Case Law Allowed Post-Penetration Rape and How Wisconsin Compares Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Table of Contents - Volume 36, Issue 1 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A National Truth Commission for Native Americans Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
When Justice Does Not Work: A Solution Focused Approach to Violence Against Native Women in Indian Country Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Devolving Standards of Decency: How Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence Fails Transgender Inmates Seeking Necessary Medical Care Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Daniel v. Armslist: A “Bad Samaritan” Case Study Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
School’s Out for Black Boys in Wisconsin: An Analysis of Wisconsin’s Racist Implementation of Expulsion and Suspension Law and Its Intersection with Wisconsin Students’ Opportunities for Success Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Commerce, Not Speech: Dismantling the Eighth Circuit’s Free Speech Analysis in Telescope Media Group v. Lucero Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Table of Contents - Volume 36, Issue 2 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
How Abortion Laws Do and Don’t Work Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Table of Contents - Volume 23, Issue 1 Journal Article