
Fuller Name

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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Oral History Interview with Cliff Thompson (1991) Oral History
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline of Response to Union Carbide's Reply Brief on FNC Motion Publication
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Vanishing Trial: Marc Galanter's Striking Discovery Magazine Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Debased Debate on Civil Justice Magazine Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Marc Galanter of the Law and Society Review regarding new changes for the Review. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Statement of recommendation for Marc Galanter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation regarding a recommendation for Tony Freyer and Marc Galanter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Statement of recommendation for Marc Galanter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A copy of Marc Galanter's application for independent study and research through the National Endowment for the Humanities. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence from Hurst to Dean Robert Bock of the University of Wisconsin regarding a Vilas or Hilldale appointment for Professor Marc Galanter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Marc Galanter to Dean Cliff Thompson regarding preparation for the symposium honoring Hurst. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Proposal to the Brittingham Trust for a symposium honoring Hurst. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Cliff Thompson of the University of Wisconsin regarding Vilas Professorship candidate Marc Galanter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Marc Galanter of the University of Chicago regarding a comparative-legal-professions conference. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Memorandum announcing the Willard Hurst Celebration Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Issues in Compensatory Justice: The Bhopal Accident Book