This article provides a history of and information about the structure of the William H. Hastie Fellowship Program at the University of Wis. Law School. This article is part of a series of articles published by the Wisconsin Law Review commemorating Professor James E. Jones Jr., emeritus professor of law at the University of Wisconsin Law School and the founder of the Hastie Fellowship Program.
Forty years after this pioneering program was established, the Hastie Fellowship Program continues to represent the preeminent pipeline program that has enabled more than 30 minority lawyers to become tenure-track law professors at law schools throughout the United States. The program continues to develop minority law graduates with the potential to serve as very productive tenure-track law professors into very attractive law faculty candidates.
The Article notes that those who have administered the program over the years have always have believed that those with the potential to serve as law professors exist in many places. To this end, though the Hastie Fellowship Program has had its share of Fellows who received their J.D. degrees from schools such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Berkeley, and UCLA, it also has had a number of Fellows who received their J.D. degrees from schools such as Howard, Loyola University New Orleans, the University of Tulsa, Northeastern, North Carolina Central University, and Rutgers-Camden.