Kathryn Hendley, The Role of In-House Counsel in Post-Soviet Russia in the Wake of Privatization, 17 Int'l J. Legal Profession 5 (2010).
The mass privatization of Russian industrial enterprises in the early 1990s would seem to have provided an opportunity for in-house lawyers to enhance their role within the enterprise. Drawing on a series of in-depth case studies, the article argues that the shift from state socialism to the market had minimal impact on Russian in-house counsel. The lawyers themselves made little effort to take on new duties in the areas of commercial paper or corporate governance, and were often sidelined even in their traditional areas of competence, such as contractual relations with suppliers and customers. The case studies reveal variation, which are driven by institutional history and barter levels.
Public Note
Additional bibliographic information:
Hendley, K. (2010). The Role of In-House Counsel in Post-Soviet Russia in the Wake of Privatization, 17(1), 5-34.