Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Lehan K. Tunks regarding a vacant faculty position for legislation issues. |
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Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Lehan K. Tunks of Rutgers University regarding an invitation for Hurst to teach an American Legal History summer session. |
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Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Lehan Tunks of the University of Washington regarding a recommendation for Calvin Woodard. |
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Correspondence between Hurst and Lehan K. Tunks regarding Leon Letwin's possible appointment to the faculty of the University of Washington Law School. |
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Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Lehan Tunks of the University of Washington regarding the place of legal history in the law school. |
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Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Lehan Tunks of the University of Washington regarding a letter of appraisal for Professor Robert Hunt. |
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