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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Oral History Interview with Willard Hurst (1981) Oral History
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
J. Willard Hurst Individual Photo
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Era Passes: Law School Honors Four Retiring Faculty Prof G William Foster Magazine Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The State of Legal History Magazine Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Law School: Bewilderment and Excitement Magazine Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
J. Willard Hurst Collection, 1932 - 1997: Finding Aid Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A Memorandum on Legal Research Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline addressing court cases, the role of the court, and judicial limitations. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Professions in American Life Working Paper
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Rough draft of previous paper entitled "The Professions in American Life." Working Paper
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Techniques of Judicial Decisions, as they Bear on the Distinctive Role of the United States Supreme Court, in a Changing World Working Paper
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Sixty Years of Modern Administrative Law (dating from the Interstate Commerce Commission, 1887) in the Courts Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Urbanization in re City Planning Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline concerning the historical changes and directions that legislation has experienced. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Commercial Sponsorships for Political Convention Broadcasts Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline covering the functions, debatable aspects, and responsibilities of a lobbyist. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Social Science On a Lawyer's Bookshelf Lecture Notes
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Science, Scientists, and the Law Lecture Notes
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Wisconsin Center Building: "Law in Society" Lecture Notes
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Brown v. Board of Education Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Why is it a Good Investment to Spend Money on a State University? Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Research Responsibilities of University Law Schools Working Paper
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Short outline touching on post-Reconstruction legislation using the Washburn case as a specific example. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline for joint lecture by Hurst and Bunn in which they the cover various aspects of self-incrimination rights. Lecture Notes
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Outline covering the nature of civil liberties and what this meant to society in 1954. Document