Law School Newsletters

Delve into decades of UW Law School history through our extensive collection of newsletters, spanning from the 1950s to the present day. These newsletters offer a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of the Law School by documenting student life, faculty achievements, alumni news, curricular changes, and the shifting landscape of legal education. From announcements of new construction to reports on student activities and reflections on pivotal moments in the school's history, these publications provide a unique and invaluable perspective on the rich tapestry of our community. Explore the changing styles, the evolving concerns, and the enduring spirit of UW Law School through this unique collection.
Search the entire collection of newsletters using the links above, or select a specifc newsletter by clicking on a link below.
If you have any issues of Law School publications that we are missing, please contact us.
The Adulterate (student newsletter, 1969)
The Advance Sheet (student newsletter, 1951)
The Advocate (1956-1994)
Bulletin (Center for Public Representation) (1974-1977)
CLEW Clarion (Institute of Continuing Education for Wisconsin, 1974)
Club Lubar News (1998-2000)
EJI Ink (Economic Justice Institute, 2011-2018)
Health Advocate News (Center for Patient Partnerships, 2007-2011)
Hearsay (1985)
The Half-Writ (student newsletter, 1953)
Labor Lines (University of Wisconsin Labor and Employment Law Society, 1993)
Law in Action: A Newsletter for Alumni and Friends (2004-2009)
Law School Newsletter (Waldo) (student newsletter, 1970-1971)
LEO: The Newsletter of the Legal Education Opportunities Program (1990)
Let's Have Some "Fun" with the Law (student newsletter, 1987)
Maggie's Farm: An Independent Student Almanac (student newsletter, 1970s)
On the Rise: The Annual Newsletter of the Legal Education Opportunities Program (1998-2013)
The Option Doctrine (University of Wisconsin Law School Organization of Part-Time Students, 1983)
Oyez (Law Library newsletter, 1960-1961)
Pocket Part (Law Library newsletter, 1967-1971)
PRAXIS (student newsletter, 2000-2003)
The Public Eye (Center for Public Representation, 1978-2004)
Res Iudicata (University of Wisconsin Student Bar Association, 1971)
Research Centers Newsletter (2018-2019)
SBA Newsletter (University of Wisconsin Student Bar Association, 1973)
The Spectator (Wisconsin Sports Law Association, 1992)
The Traffic Beat (University of Wisconsin Law School Resource Center on Impaired Driving, 2006-2013)
University of Wisconsin Law School Newsletter (1989-2006)
UW Law School Research Centers Events (2015-2020)
VLC Dispatch (University of Wisconsin Law School Veterans Law Center, 2013-2017)
Wisconsin Environmental Law Newsletter (student newsletter, 1992)
Wisconsin International Law Society Newsletter (student newsletter, 1992)
Women Law Students' Association Newsletter (student newsletter, 1981-1982)